Irritable intestinal syndrome (IBS) is also known as the spastic colon or nervous colon and mucous colitis is a digestive disorder that affects between 9% and 23% of all people in the world. [1]
The exact reason for IBS isn’t known, IBS is believed to be caused by foods processed, some vegetables and fruits, the majority of sugar alcohols, caffeine and alcohol , among other factors like anxiety and stress. The most important IBS symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating and cramps, diarrhea, constipation and excessive gas. [2]
Recent research has shown that gut dysbiosis , or destruction of the gut microbiome and inflammation can contribute to the development of IBS. [3]
If you’re suffering from IBS and want to treat your symptoms with diet changes, you may think that keto-based diets can help. This article examines the relation to keto with IBS and IBS, the findings of studies suggest, the foods you should consume and not eat, as well as three home remedies for the IBS diet.
Keto as well as IBS IBS: Can a low-carb Diet help?
The keto diet will naturally limit the consumption of FODMAPs (fermentable disaccharides, oligosaccharides monosaccharides, polyols, and fermentable oligo) They are carbohydrates with short chains that are not well-absorbed into the small intestinal.
Therefore it is true that the keto diet can reduce IBS symptoms. Also, it is important be on the lookout for food sources that contain FODMAPs that are keto-friendly such as garlic, onions and beverages and food that are lactose-rich. However, in the overall keto is basically a diet low in FODMAPs that helps to improve IBS.
A different way in which keto-based diets may aid in the treatment of IBS is through reducing inflammation, which is another aspect that can play a part in IBS. A study of IBD, also known as inflammatory intestinal disease (IBD) discovered that keto diets protect the intestinal barrier, and decreases the production of the inflammatory cells. [4]